A roadmap was created from the beginning and shared with everyone via the google drive platform. This included budgets, activities and reports of online meetings and past activities. This way, every partner could consult and add to it at any time. The activities were also always listed on the specially created website. We also sounded out children and parents about the project through (video) interviews and various evaluation forms. This allowed us to adjust the project where necessary. Later, this roadmap turned out to be important to evaluate all parts transparently. It ensured that not every part of the process had to be recalled over and over again, but that we had clear benchmarks to evaluate each step. The evaluation of the children was done in a playful way on the basis of (video) interviews. We took them to Sjøholmen ‘s fun playroom and asked them questions about the project, what they liked and what they didn’t like. We had the most success with activities 2 and 3. The children in both countries were always so enthusiastic. The result of the collaboration during these days was therefore a beautiful wall with an insect from each child. When the wall is scanned with the Connected ART app, it comes alive.